Atmospheric Chemistry Modelling Part 1 (Theory)


Our atmosphere is a complex multi-component system governed by numerous
physical, chemical and dynamic processes highly variable in time and space. For example, the
environmental fate of an atmospheric constituent comprises a vast range of mechanisms
describing its formation, transportation, transformation, interaction, and ultimately
deposition. Atmospheric chemistry models represent quantitatively and mathematically, in
the form of equations, our current knowledge of the atmosphere. The goal of the course is
a) to present an overview of the most important processes controlling the fate of
atmospheric constituents and b) to introduce the numerical methods used to describe them
mathematically. Special focus is given on the equations describing the atmospheric
chemical mechanisms.

Topics to be addressed:

Concepts of atmospheric chemistry models, theoretical background
of chemical processes, model equations and numerical processes, numerical methods for
chemical systems, emissions and fluxes, model evaluation against observations, inverse
atmospheric modeling.

Required knowledge:

- Atmospheric Chemistry I
- Atmospheric Physics
- Inverse Methods


1. Fundamentals Of Atmospheric Modeling by Mark Z. Jacobson, Cambridge University
Press, 2005.
2. A first course in Atmospheric Numerical Modeling by Alex DeCaria and Glenn Van Knowe,
Sunndog Publishing, 2014
3. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics: From Air Pollution to Climate Change, Wiley, 2016
4. Modeling of Atmospheric Chemistry by Guy B. and Daniel J. Jacob, Cambridge University
Press, 2017